Local Officials Endorse the Alliance!

The Green River Valley Alliance recently received endorsements from two local elected officials! Clark County Councilor Sue Marshall and Vancouver City Councilmember Kim Harless both formalized their support for our campaign to secure permanent protections against mining for the Green River Valley by Mount St Helens.

Clark County Councilor Sue Marshall (left) and Vancouver City Councilmember Kim Harless (right)

In a statement, Councilor Marshall writes:

“The Green River Valley Alliance, representing thousands of individuals, as well as local Tribes, businesses, and organizations from across the region, are calling on Congress to secure permanent protections from mining in the Green River Valley. I support the Alliance and their mission because the costs associated with open-pit mining in this area, which is directly neighboring the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, far outweigh the benefits. The Green River Valley supports the local economy by protecting outdoor recreation, hunting and tourism industries; provides critical habitat for local wildlife; is culturally significant to local Tribes; and provides fresh water to downstream communities and farmers. For these important reasons, it is clear that the Green River Valley is no place for an open pit mine.”

Councilmemeber Harless echoed these concerns with a statement of her own, writing:

“I support the Green River Valley Alliance and their mission. Mount St. Helens (Loowit) and its Green River Valley need protection for not only the environment and wildlife, but also because natural wonder is important for tourism for the City of Vancouver and its newly created first ever tourism master plan.”

We are extremely grateful to have the support of both Councilor Marshall and Councilmember Harless. Securing the endorsements of our local officials is a key step towards securing permanent protections for the Green River Valley and ensuring it remains #NoPlaceForAMine! Thank you to Councilor Marshall and Councilmember Harless for your support and leadership on this issue! As we continue to push this campaign forward, we are working to secure the endorsement of more local officials.


Green River Valley Alliance submits formal request for legislation!


Cowlitz Indian Tribe formalizes support for the Green River Valley Alliance!