Thank you so much to the 3,325 concerned individuals who have already taken action and signed our petition!
If you have not yet signed, please consider doing so using the form below! If you have already signed, consider sending this petition to three friends, neighbors, or loved ones! We need everyone’s support to secure permanent protections for this beautiful landscape!
Help protect the Green River Valley from the threat of an open-pit mine! This area is beloved for its natural beauty and provides incredible outdoor recreation opportunities for hikers, bikers, horseback riders, hunters, and anglers! A mine could devastate the Green River, damage the surrounding old-growth forest, and cause great harm to the health and economies of downstream communities. Please sign our petition asking Sen. Patty Murray, Sen. Maria Cantwell, and Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez to support a mineral withdrawal for the Green River, thus prohibiting mineral activity in this area and protecting this incredible landscape.
+ Our Petition
Dear Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, & Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez
Ascot Resources Ltd., a Canadian mining company, has been seeking permits to conduct exploratory drilling for copper, gold, and molybdenum in the Green River Valley bordering the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument. If this mine becomes a reality, the environmental, cultural, and economic impacts to southwest Washington could be catastrophic.
The Green River Valley is no place for a mine! People come from around the region and the world to enjoy world-class hiking, mountain biking, fishing, hunting, botanizing, foraging, backcountry horseback riding, and other recreation opportunities which help fuel the local economy.
The Green River is eligible to be a Wild & Scenic River candidate and provides fresh drinking water to downstream communities as it flows into the North Fork Toutle River and on to the Cowlitz River. The river is also a designated wild steelhead gene bank, offering critical spawning and rearing habitat for this iconic species.
This land is culturally and spiritually significant to the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. Mount St. Helens (Lawetlat’la) is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as a Traditional Cultural Property of both Tribes due to its significance in traditional beliefs and cultural identity. Both the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and the Yakama Nation oppose the proposed mine.
We, the undersigned concerned citizens, are asking you to support the Green River Valley Alliance in their efforts to secure a legislative mineral withdrawal for the Green River Valley. This designation would end the threat of mining by prohibiting mineral extraction within the boundaries of the roughly 46,000 acre withdrawal. This designation would not impose any additional restrictions on other activities allowed in the area. By supporting this effort, you would be supporting our vision of the future where the Green River Valley by Mount St. Helens is able to continue to inspire and be enjoyed for many years to come.
The construction of an open-pit mine neighboring Mount St. Helens would be disastrous for the environment, put public health at risk, and would devastate outdoor recreation opportunities. With your support on Capitol Hill, we will secure a mineral withdrawal, put a stop to this mine, and permanently protect this beautiful and vitally important part of Washington. Together, we will ensure that the Green River Valley is #NoPlaceForAMine!

We are pursuing a legislative mineral withdrawal, meaning we will ultimately need to secure this withdrawal through an Act of Congress. Fortunately, we have great examples of groups successfully securing a mineral withdrawal through the legislative process, even here in Washington! One thing that each of these efforts have in common is that they start at the local level and build upwards by securing the support of a wide variety of individuals, businesses, organizations, and policymakers. The Green River Valley Alliance was created to provide a space for those individuals and groups to collaborate and work together towards a shared vision of the future where the Green River Valley is permanently protected against the threat of mining.